CRA's mission is to provide amateur repeater services throughout the front range of Colorado, with a focus on reliability, complete coverage, and new technology. The efforts of the CRA shall reflect the needs and desires of its subscribers with respect to coverage, bands, and features provided. The CRA shall promote amateur radio, public safety, and new technology in the interests of all amateur radio operators.

1.sea 2.noon 3.snow

147.225 Unlinked from VHF Link System

[Update 6/5/2024] The 147.225 link has been repaired.

[5/10/2024] The power failure at Westcreek this past week has damaged the link hardware used to link 147.225 to the other VHF systems. This link hardware is also used to link 448.425 to the Sunday Morning Net. Note that this issue does not affect the link from 448.425 to 147.105 in Simla. We're planning a trip later this month to fix the link. de WA1JHK

145.460 is down, CRA Net moved to 447.975

The 145.460 repeater is operating normally.

The 145.460 repeater is down this morning.  The PA is once again not working.  The 447.975 repeater has been linked to the VHF Link System until 145.460 is repaired.

Due to the NCAR Fire, a service trip to the Eldorado repeater site may be delayed due to evacuation orders for areas just to the north and the risk of the fire spreading in a southerly direction.  More as we know it.

145.145 temporarily off-air, or operating at severely reduced power

The 145.145 repeater is operating normally.

Some time after the CRA weekly net on March 20th, but before noon on March 21st, the 145.145 repeater on Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain (formerly known as Squaw Mountain) suffered a failure.  Depending where you are and your antenna system, you may hear it very weakly, or you may not hear it at all.

We are determining our options for repair.  In a normal year, this site is not accessible until early summer.

In the meantime, please give 447.575 a try, it is located at the same site, and is fully functional.

145.160 Link to VHF Link System Repaired

[12/31/2020, WA1JHK]  FIXED!!!  Yesterday, Doug K2AD and I traveled to the club's Cheyenne Mountain repeater site to repair the link from the 145.160 repeater to the club's VHF Link System including 147.225 in Westcreek and 145.460 in Denver. The link is now operational. Note: later in the day, we heard low level broadcast band audio underneath 145.160 users. We are investigating.

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